Monday, August 3, 2020

3-day detox smoothie program

3-day detox smoothie program

3-day detox smoothie program

Nowadays, consuming detox smoothies while on a diet has become a staple trend for people looking to rid their bodies of stored toxins and shed extra pounds.

If you also want to cleanse your body and lose weight fast, here's a three-day smoothie detox program to help you.

Day 1



• 1 orange • 1 banana • 2 fresh figs • 2 tablespoons of crushed almonds • 2 tablespoons of powdered flax seeds • 1/2 glass of water


Extract the juice from your orange then put this juice with the rest of the ingredients in a thermomixMix everything until you get a creamy and smooth texture. Before drinking, refrigerate this delicious mixture.



• 2 bananas • 3 cl lemon • a handful of blueberries • 1/3 red cabbage • 12 cl of water


In a device, pour each ingredient with your diced fruitThen add water to get the consistency you want. Serve when it's fresh!

Having dinner


• 1 banana • Half a teaspoon of green matcha tea • 65 grams of 0% cottage cheese • Half a glass of milk • 2 teaspoons of organic honey • 4 ice cubes


Peel and mash the banana with your fork. Blend this banana in a blender with organic honey, cottage cheese, green matcha tea, and milk. Serve this smoothie in a glassAdd a few ice cubes and enjoy it immediately!

Day 2



• 1 apple • 1 banana • 1/2 lemon • a cup of raspberries • a tablespoon of flax seeds (powder)


In your mixer, put your ingredients. Blend them for less than a minuteWhen the texture is creamy and smooth, refrigerate. After at least half an hour, you can drink your smoothie.

Note: If you are using apples that are organically grown, you do not need to peel them. You just need to rinse them well with water to use them.



• 1 cup soy milk • 1/2 cup raspberries • 1/2 banana • 1/2 cup mango • 1/3 cup Greek yogurt


Put all these ingredients in the machine. After having mixed all these ingredients in your machine, consume your fresh detox smoothie.

Having dinner


• 100 grams of strawberries • 1 0% natural yogurt • 3 mint leaves • 1 teaspoon of organic honey


Before stemming the strawberries, wash themThen clean and dry the 3 mint leaves. Mix the mint leaves, strawberries, honey, and yogurt in a thermomix for several seconds. Help yourself to this healthy drink.

Day 3



• 1 kiwi • 1 banana • 1/2 orange • 1/2 apple • 1 tablespoon of hazelnuts (powder) • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (powder)


Put all the ingredients in an appliance and mix for just a few secondsPut the resulting mixture in the fridge before consuming it.



• 1/2 cup of milk • 1/2 banana • 1/2 cup of black coffee • 2 teaspoons of maple syrup


Mix all the ingredients and help yourself to your fresh smoothie.

Having dinner


• juice of one lemon • 110 g of broccoli • 30 cl of milk • 1 tablespoon of agave syrup • 180 grams of baby spinach


Separate the 110 grams of broccoli florets. Before drying the spinach leaves, clean them. Blend the spinach leaves and broccoli in your machine with the agave syrup, lemon juice, and milk for a few minutes, until you can achieve the desired texture. Serve this delicious detox smoothie recipe in a glass and enjoy it chilled to cleanse your liver and lose weight effortlessly!

This 3-day detox smoothie program can help you flush toxins from your body and facilitate your weight loss thanks to the quality of the foods used in each detox recipe. But it's important to consult your doctor before incorporating these detox smoothies into your diet to cleanse your liver and gain healthy weight.


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