Monday, December 28, 2020

How to lose weight fast if you are over 40: ten tricks that work


When we get older the body tends to have a bad habit of accumulating more fat. We tell you why this happens and what we can do to avoid it

Since you have crossed the barrier of 40 years, you notice that you are fatter (or less thin) and you eat the same as always. You don’t explain it to yourself. That gut was not there before and now no matter how hard you try you are not able to lower it. What’s happening to you? Why is it no longer so easy for you to lose weight?

When you pass 40 you no longer have the metabolism of your youth. You don’t burn as many calories as you used to do the exact same thing. The body, let’s say, slows down, which makes losing weight more difficult.

The main culprits are thyroid hormones, which are vague, and will not suddenly recover. Also, if you are a man you are producing less testosterone to build muscles. And if you are a woman, less estrogen, so you are accumulating fat everywhere.

How to lose weight after 40 years

Be careful, all this does not mean that losing weight after 40 is impossible. Quite the contrary, actually. With a routine, a little discipline, and the tricks that we explain below, it should be quite easy:

1) Walk or run at least half an hour a day

Before you didn’t move from the sofa and nothing happened. Now, exercise is essential. Performing 30 minutes of cardio a day will be enough to burn those extra calories. Remember that to lose a kilo you have to have a deficit of 7,000 calories. That is, if every day you burn 200 (and you behave well with the diet), it will take 35 days to lose a kilo on the scale.

2) eat more fiber

Fiber works wonders when it comes to losing weight. High fiber foods tend to be more abundant than the rest, so you are likely to eat less and stay full longer.

If you are a man, you should consume an average of 38 grams of fiber a day, and if you are a woman, 25. You will find fiber in beans, walnuts, and cereals, and brown rice.

3) You have to do weights yes or yes

Due to the natural process of sarcopenia, we all begin to lose muscle mass from the age of 30, at a rate of 1% per year. This process accelerates once they reach 40 years of age.

What does this mean? That having fewer muscles, decreases the rate of your metabolism. Estimates indicate that a person burns about 200 fewer calories per day at age 45 compared to what they did at 25.

That is, you must increase your muscle mass. Here is a list of appropriate exercises for it. It is also recommended that you consume foods rich in protein, such as meat, fish, and legumes.

4) eat more protein

Related to the previous point, not all proteins are equally good for you. Choose lean turkey, chicken, salmon, and vegetables. Protein bars or shakes can be good, but you shouldn’t go for the sweetened options.

It is also recommended that you eat not only proteins in one shot, but also distribute them throughout the day. Protein is a thermogenic food, meaning that just by digesting it you are already burning calories.

About 30 calories out of 100 consumed will simply be burned through the digestive process.

5) keep an eye on your salads

We already told you in this article that salads are loaded by the devil. You have to be careful with the dressings and accessories that they carry, because you may believe that you are choosing a healthy option when you are not.

If you are going to eat salad, the ideal is that you dress it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (and not too much). And keep in mind that choosing lettuce is not always the best option and that there are many vegetables on the market, reader.

6) Maintain a hormonal balance

The testosterone levels in men begin to diminish at age 40, which can cause fatigue, insomnia, weakness, depression, and weight gain. But a proper diet can help restore this hormonal balance.

You should include egg yolks and foods rich in zinc on your menus, such as seafood, spinach, mushrooms, and lean meats, to increase testosterone production.

7) Run away from the sweet

If you want to have a healthier, leaner body as you approach middle age, cutting out sugar is the key. When estrogen and progesterone levels begin to fluctuate, we become more sensitive to sugar, and when we ingest these types of carbohydrates, our blood sugar spikes. This inevitably leads to faster storage of fat and greater sensitivity to sugar.

8) Eat five meals a day

Instead of having three big meals, take small meals throughout the day. An ideal diet consists of consuming four or five smaller plates throughout the meal, many green salads with lean protein and a little fat, and always coming from olive oil and avocado.

9) Choose foods with vitamin D

Adding a little extra vitamin D to your diet could be the key to losing weight after 40. Researchers from the University of Milan found that taking vitamin D supplements leads to greater weight loss among overweight and obese adults. Remember that a very good source of this vitamin comes from the sun.

10) drink less alcohol

To have a great body after 40 you must make some sacrifices. Researchers from Korea found that heavy alcohol consumption contributed to greater muscle loss after menopause.

And this is it, a friend over 40. If you want, you can, and remember that you are in the prime of life. Tell us how you do if you apply any of these tricks.

If you are struggling to achieve your weight loss goals? If so, you can try out this revolutionary new diet system.


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