Nutritional therapist Jeannette Hyde’s method of losing weight is none other than taking care of the gut, and she promises to lose more than two kilos a week by eating three meals a day
Can you imagine bloating to eat and still lose weight? And lose more than one size in just five days without starving at all? Believe it or not, it’s real, at least that’s what the nutritional therapist Jeannette Hyde, author of the bestseller ‘The Gut Makeover’, says, who believes that the secret to losing weight lies in the gut.
This “forgotten organ,” as she calls it, “is the result of everything you eat; if you feed it with good things, you will have a healthy intestine, but if you neglect it and fill it with toxic waste, you will end up with a smelly sludge that it will poison everything it touches, “says Hyde, in statements collected by ‘ The Daily Mail‘.
In just five days he lost a size and 2.2 kilos without starving at all: “It was the most painless diet I have ever done, that’s why I consider continuing it”
Most of us follow a Western diet: high in refined carbohydrates, high in sugar, and high in beige foods. And many of our modern ills, from obesity to psychological disorders through acne and bloating, are due to the fact that we do not know how to treat our intestines as it should, according to the expert.
Daisy Goodwin decided to try the regimen that Hyde exposes in his book, at a food retreat in Menorca. And it worked for her: she lost a size in just five days. Let’s see how he did it.
“I ate until I burst”
The retreat in question was in a house in the middle of an olive grove, and his room overlooked the sea. The location inspired her. Everything the guests ate from day one was made under Jeannette’s directions. The first breakfast was without cereals or bread, without dairy, and without sugar. “Instead, we had delicious tuna steaks and five delicious salads. I ate until I couldn’t eat anymore, chewing each bite 20 times as Jeannette advises, and I woke up feeling full, but not bloated,” says Daisy.
The lunches and dinners he made the following days, all within 12 hours, “resuscitated” his spirit. Figs, mangoes, papayas, pineapple, kiwi, banana bread, walnuts, olive oil, eggs … Hunger, it did not happen. “The protein at every meal is part of the body’s renewal plan, so who was I to refuse the dishes that were put on me?” The eggs were served with spinach, mushrooms, and red peppers, of course. “Anyone would say it was a diet.
“It was the biggest breakfast I had eaten in years, but it didn’t leave me full but satisfied and ready for an hour of Pilates. The next night we enjoyed a three-course meal, including a chocolate avocado mousse with tangerine sorbet. We looked at each other and wondered if we could really lose weight by eating so much. Jeannette smiled and said that if the stomach is healthy, eating the right foods will not make us fat, quite the opposite. “
Most people who follow their gut renewal plan for four days lose about two kilos, says the forerunner of the ‘gourmet diet’. Daisy doubted it was true, but she believed it when she saw it in her own flesh, and never better said: “The skirt that was tight, now I was loose. I think the trick is to eat only three times a day, no snacks. “
The intestine is the result of everything you eat; if you neglect it and fill it with toxic waste, you will end up overweight
Leaving many hours between meals allows bacteria to do their job and extract all the nutrients from the food. If you are addicted to snacking, then your gut bacteria never have a chance to work properly.“
“A painless regimen”
The health of the intestine not only makes us lose weight but also improves our mood, since “the bacteria in this organ are balanced.” The therapist also assured us that if we cultivate our intestinal garden we will be better able to deal with stress than we do day today. In Daisy’s case, it was clear: she has to skip her morning coffee and limit her habit of tea to two cups a day at most; In addition, you should aim to eat 30 to 60 different types of vegetables, herbs, and fruits a week.
“On the last day of the retreat I started to feel like new: the headaches were gone, my neck had relaxed and my skin had gone from gray to shiny,” confesses Daisy, who now had no trouble doing the lengths in the pool, something that used to take your breath away.
In just five days he lost a size and 2.2 kilos. “It was the most painless diet I have ever done, so I am considering completing the four-week plan.”
The keys to the diet
- Weeks 1 and 2
The focus is on building a wider variety of bacteria. In the first 15 days you have to take into account the following:
- Vegetables and fruit: minimum of five cups of vegetables and two fruits. Aim for 20–30 varieties per week.
- Protein: buy the best you can ( meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds) and take it with every meal.
- Chew: relax and chew slowly.
- Fasting: get into the habit of going without food for 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. A long period without food improves the microbiome.
- Don’t peck: Avoid snacks. Eat only three meals a day.
- Weeks 3 and 4
The second half of the plan is ‘planting season’:
- Prebiotics: Increase your intake of fiber-containing prebiotic foods, which feed bacteria in the gut. These include apples, asparagus, bananas, raw potatoes, fennel, garlic, artichokes, leeks, onions.
- Probiotics — contain good bacteria and include kefir milk, Roquefort cheese, or miso.
- Prohibited
Alcohol, caffeine, sugar, sweeteners, dairy products, grains (especially wheat, rye, and spelled), beans and legumes (contain high levels of lectins that can cause bloating), and nuts (due to high fructose content ).
- Maintenance
When the month is over, the transition to the maintenance stage should be done by following the well-known Mediterranean diet, which includes vegetables (vegetables, seasonal fruits, and wild herbs) complemented with fish, nuts and grains, extra virgin olive oil, overflowing ripened bones of good bacteria and moderate amounts of meat.
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