Thursday, November 5, 2020

8 common foods that will help you lose weight fast


Avocados, salmon, or green tea are some of the most common foods that will help you lose weight in a controlled and healthy way.

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That miraculous and immediate remedy that helps you lose weight easily does not yet exist, but there are other formulas to do it in a progressive and healthy way.

If your intention is to lose weight as quickly as possible, you should rethink it, because, in addition to not being a good method for the body, you could also end up suffering the famous rebound effect, even exceeding your initial weight.

For this reason, more than losing weight, it is essential to learn to lead a lifestyle where exercise and a balanced diet are two of the fundamental pillars.

However, there are certain foods that could help you lose weight, as well as help you control and balance body fat .

Here are 8 common foods that will help you lose those extra pounds.

1. Avocados

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Although avocados are high in calories, up to about 300 per piece, they are also high in monounsaturated fats, meaning healthy fats that contribute to weight loss.

In addition, this fruit also has a lot of water and fiber and a powerful satiating effect, so by reducing your feeling of hunger, it will prevent you from snacking between meals.

2. Fatty fish


For a lifetime you have heard that fish like salmon are very healthy and good for the body.

The reason? They contain a myriad of good proteins and nutrients that reduce bloating, such as omega-3 fatty acids.

Trout and sardines are other fatty fish that could have the same effect as salmon and will satisfy your appetite.

3. Cinnamon

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The cinnamon has components called polyphenols that are responsible for metabolizing blood sugar-stabilizing it very effectively.

Therefore, they control the levels of fat, sugars, and insulin, leading to a much lower weight gain.

4. Sweet potato

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If you eat sweet potatoes in your heavy meals, you will feel much less hunger between meals thanks to its satiating effect, but that is not everything.

The sweet potato has a compound called carotenoids that facilitates weight loss and helps lose fat, as well as having a major impact on blood glucose, according to several studies.

5. Lean meat

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Lean meat is rich in protein, so it can help you burn more calories per day and consume regularly.

It also has a great impact on cravings, as it can reduce them by 60%, facilitating weight loss or, at least, making it difficult to gain it.

Also, several studies show that this type of meat does not increase the risk of heart disease or diabetes.

6. Green Tea

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Teas are great purifiers, but green tea is one of the most famous when it comes to losing weight, as they contain catechins, an antioxidant that accelerates weight loss since it increases caloric expenditure and oxidizes fat.

Although keep in mind that excessive consumption of tea could stain your teeth.

7. Hard-boiled egg


The boiled eggs or boiled, are an amazing way to satiate your appetite and avoid snacking and you feel guilty hours later.

A study of overweight women found that eating eggs for breakfast increased feelings of fullness and caused participants to eat less within 36 hours.

In addition, they contain a lot of protein, healthy fats, and are very low in calories, thus promoting weight loss.

8. Natural yogurt

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Finally, 100% natural yogurt, without added sugars, are usually beneficial for the body, as they have resistance against a hormonal factor that causes obesity called leptin and reduce intestinal inflammation.

Although there is controversy regarding which type of dairy is better, whether whole or skimmed, experts argue that yogurts with fat are healthier, as they are associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.



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