Monday, November 2, 2020

Tips to lose 5 kilos in a healthy way


In most cases, it is more difficult to follow a diet to lose 5 kilos than having to lose 10 kilos or more

It has been a few days since we have welcomed spring and that means that there are only a few weeks left until summer, the beach, holidays, and summer clothes are approaching! This is an especially positive time for most people, however, there are those who are in a hurry to lose those extra kilos that have been dragged for a few months and were hidden under their coat.


You may have read on the Internet or in a magazine about the possibility of losing 5 kilos in a week or even in 3 days. Although I am not saying that this is not possible, what is clear is that if you do it will be putting your health at risk. As a dietitian-nutritionist, I will always recommend that you follow a healthy and personalized diet according to your caloric expenditure. Flee from miracle diets to lose weight fast and guide your diet towards changing habits, only then will you be able to avoid the rebound effect and its consequences.

If you are struggling to achieve your weight loss goals? If so, you can try out this revolutionary new diet system.

First of all, do not be overwhelmed and above all do not try to lose the weight you need in an unhealthy way. Remember that many “miracle diets” that promise a lot of weight loss in a short time, have harmful effects on your body, in addition to producing a rebound effect once they are finished. For example, it is common in these cases to diet at this time of year and then regain all the lost weight and even increase it more during the August holidays. My intention is for you to lose those extra pounds in a healthy way.

With a healthy diet, you can lose 0.5 to 1kg of weight a week. This means 2 to 4 kg per month. Therefore you have time until the holidays to be able to make a balanced diet to lose weight and reach your goal without leaving your health on the way.

Losing a little weight is more expensive than losing a lot. If you only have 5 kg left, it means that you are closer to your healthy weight and, on these occasions, the body does not tend to lose its fat volume as easily.

Sometimes we tend to think that having to lose only a few kilos is not worth dieting. I recommend that you are not one of the people who think this way. From my experience as a dietician-nutritionist, often what starts out at 5 kg, easily turns into 8 or 10.

The reason for this progressive increase is easily explained. If you already have some excess weight, it is because some of your daily habits are not adequate. Therefore, if you do not put a solution, the weight will progressively increase. Your tendency, even slowly, will be to gain weight over time.

Therefore, maintaining healthy habits and detecting what you are doing wrong is the key to correcting that excess weight.


First of all, I recommend you write down everything you eat for a week on a sheet of paper as a follow-up like the one in the example that I leave you below.

You can use this if it works for you or adapts it to your eating habits.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 
Breakfast Midmorning Food Snack Dinner Others

Things to note on the tracking sheet:

  • Number of meals you eat
  • What are you eating?
  • How many coffees do you have?
  • Physical activity performed.
  • How many hours do you sleep?
  • Amount of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks.

It is also important that you highlight the meals you have made in restaurants or if you have eaten a day between meals with a color. In short, you should write down everything that you consider relevant.

Once the week has passed, you will be surprised at the number of things you eat without being conscious.

It is normal that you think that this week of controlling your meals is not usual, either because you have committed extra excesses, because you have had more commitments, more work meals, etc. Your social life is probably like this often throughout the year, so whatever week you choose to do this monitoring could be your usual day-to-day.

Once the weekly template is filled out, I recommend that you set yourself three achievable goals.


You can adapt your goals depending on the results you have obtained as a result of your monitoring, some examples of healthy habits that you could consider could be:

  • Drink a maximum of 2 coffees a day.
  • Try to eat breakfast every day at home.
  • Try not to go out to dinner during the week.
  • Make journeys on foot.
  • Go to the gym 2 or 3 days a week.
  • Snack well to try not to snack between snack and dinner or while cooking.
  • Eat fruit every day.
  • Eat more fish and less meat.
  • Avoid chocolate and potato chips.

Once the objectives have been set, redo the registration for a couple of more weeks to be able to assess if you have met them. Then weigh yourself to see if there have been changes. Once these three goals have been reached, if you still haven’t managed to lose the kilos you want, set yourself three more goals.

In this way, you will be able to introduce a series of healthy habits into your day to day that will help you lose these 5 kilos that you have leftover.

If you are struggling to achieve your weight loss goals? If so, you can try out this revolutionary new diet system.


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