Monday, July 20, 2020

how to be healthy eating

Proper nutrition - for a healthy lifestyle: rules for composing a balanced diet 

a mixture of veg on the table

How to be healthy eating “You are what you eat” - the meaning of this catchphrase of Hippocrates, as well as the direct influence of the quality of nutrition on health, did not think unless a person is completely indifferent to his lifestyle. Even the fiercest fast-food aficionados know deep down that it would be nice to change their diet ...

A healthy mind in a healthy body: why it is important to follow the rules of healthy eating 

The human body receives almost all the necessary substances through food and water. The composition of food products and their properties directly affect health, physical development, work capacity, emotional state, and, in general, on the quality and duration of life. It is difficult to find another factor that would have such a serious effect on the human body.


According to a number of scientists, physical health is 50% dependent on lifestyle, which includes the nature of a person's diet. Heredity and the state of the environment account for 20% each, and only 10% for the level of medical care [1].

All vital functions of the body are associated with nutrition. It is the source of development of tissues and cells, their constant renewal, a saturation of a person with energy. Improper nutrition - both excess and insufficient - can cause significant harm to human health at any age. 

This is reflected in a decrease in the level of physical and mental development, rapid fatigue, inability to resist the effects of adverse environmental factors, decreased working capacity, and even premature aging and shortened life expectancy. 

By the way, every woman who takes care of herself knows that the condition of the skin directly depends on the state of the digestive system, in particular the intestines, and therefore on a healthy diet. 

a mixture of meat and vegetable on the table

But what kind of nutrition is considered the right one? There are many theories on this subject, and new ones appear almost every day. Someone advocates a complete rejection of meat, someone proclaims a raw food diet as a panacea for all ills and ills, and someone develops food combinations that supposedly allow the body to achieve complete nutritional harmony. 

In fact, any dietary restrictions can hardly be considered beneficial and acceptable to everyone. The human body is a very complex system, for normal functioning, it requires both meat and plant foods. A lack of nutrients in the same meat, such as high bioavailability iron, can cause serious health problems. 

Proper nutrition is not about calorie control and strict diets, but about providing the body with a complete diet, which includes all the products necessary for him: meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits. The selection of a diet is one of the main tasks in proper nutrition, but daily adherence to it is no less important. 

If you adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet not from time to time, but constantly, then you will not have to worry about excess weight, decreased immunity, problems with hair, skin, and health in general. 

Healthy Eating Principles: Everyone Should Know! 

How to be healthy eating? where do you start? First of all, with a solid decision to eat right. Here are a few simple rules that almost all modern dietology relies on and which will help you quickly learn the principles of healthy eating. 

vegetable on a stick

The diet 

  • Rule number 1. Forget fast food forever and try not to overuse sweets.
  • Rule number 2. Eat as many seasonal foods as possible - they contain a maximum of nutrients. Winter vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouses or brought from afar, due to processing with chemicals and long-term storage, not only lose all their benefits but also become accumulators of nitrates and other harmful chemical compounds.
  • Rule number 3. Limit the use of refined foods as much as possible: sugar, vegetable oil, white wheat flour, refined white rice. They lack fiber, which is very important for the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as for nourishing the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. That is why it is much better to eat whole grain instead of white bread and replace refined sugar with brown or even honey.
  • Rule  4. Drink water. Tea, coffee, and juices do not replace water. The body needs to receive at least 30–35 ml of fluid per 1 kg of weight per day. Sweet soda is completely prohibited, they contain too much sugar.
  • Rule number 5. Do not forget about protein foods. It is able to give a feeling of satiety for a long time and is also rich in amino acids. Proteins are necessary for the body to build muscle tissue, replace obsolete cells. Protein-rich foods include various types of meat, fish, squid, shrimp, nuts, mushrooms, some legumes, eggs, and cottage cheese. 

Cooking food 

  • Rule number 1. Use several types of vegetable oil for cooking. This is the best source of essential fatty acids. It is very good if there are always several bottles with different oils in the kitchen: olive, sesame, linseed, walnut, and pine nut oil. Remember that unrefined oils are not suitable for thermal processing.
  • Rule number 2. Cook right. You can save all the nutrients in the products with minimal heat treatment. It is recommended to cook pasta or cereals for just a few minutes. By the way, the classic Italian pasta should always be slightly undercooked and seasoned with vegetable oil. Meat and fish products must be thermally processed, as they may contain parasites. But at the same time, it is better to refuse frying in oil, the best ways are cooking, baking in the oven and steaming.
  • Rule number 3. Use natural and fresh food for cooking. Any semi-finished or long-term storage product with preservatives, flavor enhancers, and dyes increases the burden on the body, prevents the elimination of toxins, and slows down metabolism. A piece of chicken baked in the oven is many times more useful than the highest quality and most expensive sausages from the store. 
fish and veg an the table


  • Rule number 1. Be sure to follow the diet. Infrequent meals are harmful in the same way as constant snacks and the habit of chewing something all the time. It is optimal for a healthy person to eat 4-5 times a day, the interval between meals for more than 5 hours slows down the metabolism and forces the body to switch to the economy mode. As a result, fatty deposits begin to accumulate. Try not to snack in the workplace or in front of the TV. The process of food consumption, in this case, becomes uncontrollable, not satiety occurs, but overeating.
  • Rule number 2. Eat some fresh vegetables and fruits daily. The recommended amount is 300 g each. This will give you all the vitamins and fiber you need. It is very convenient to take with you to work a pre-cut apple or pear, cucumber or carrot sticks.

Of course, it is very difficult to immediately and completely change your habits and give up a delicious cake with a cup of strong coffee. This can require a lot of willpower and stress. So occasionally you can afford a sausage sandwich and a cake. The main thing is that this does not become daily food. 

Recommended products: tasty and healthy 

All products used by humans for food can be conditionally divided into "useful" and "harmful". Useful foods must be included in the diet every day: they are rich in amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, fatty acids, and fiber. 

At the same time, they are easily absorbed, do not slow down the metabolism, and do not have a harmful effect on health. These products traditionally include the following: 

1. Fresh berries, fruits, and vegetables (vitamin C, fiber).

2. Cereals and cereals prepared from them (vitamins B, E, magnesium, potassium, folic acid).

3. Dried fruits and nuts (vitamins, fatty acids, protein).

4. Poultry meat (protein, amino acids, vitamins A, B, E).

5. Fish and seafood (protein, polyunsaturated acids, vitamins D, E, B12, calcium, phosphorus).

6. Dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt (calcium, protein, amino acids, vitamins D, A, B12, carbohydrates).

7. Green tea (vitamins, minerals, polyphenols).

8. Cold-pressed vegetable oils (phospholipids, linoleic, and other polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A, D, E).

9. Honey (vitamins, trace elements, glucose, fructose, phytoncides, fast carbohydrates).

10. Grain bread (fiber, enzymes, amino acids).

The use of these products in the right combinations is what is called a healthy diet since they bring undoubted benefits to the body and are able not only to maintain health but also to strengthen it. Nutritionists recommend, for example, eating cereals on the water in combination with vegetable salads dressed with olive oil. 

By the way, it is not recommended to combine cucumbers and tomatoes in a salad - chopped cucumbers release a special enzyme that destroys vitamin C contained in tomatoes. Cabbage, asparagus, zucchini, radishes, cucumbers are suitable for meat, fish, and poultry. Fruits are better to eat separately, before meals or about an hour after. 

Products not recommended: unnecessary ballast 

But when eating healthy foods, one should not forget about the exclusion of “harmful” foods from the diet - those that cause the accumulation of fats in the body and metabolic disorders: 

Chips, popcorn, crackers, salted nuts.

Alcoholic drinks.

Any semi-finished products and concentrates: dry mashed potatoes, instant noodles, etc.

Butter baking, especially high in sugar.

Fried dishes.

Ready-made factory sauces, including mayonnaise.

Smoked meats, sausages.


Fast food.

Juices (except freshly squeezed), carbonated drinks. 

The use of sugar and salt is also undesirable. If you really can't refuse them at all, then instead of sugar, you can use honey, and use salt to a minimum, only slightly adding some salt to the dishes. Recently, sea and pink Himalayan salt have become popular, containing less sodium chloride and more nutrients. 

Caloric content of the diet and BJU-balance

a table full of fruits and vegetables

A healthy eating program cannot be drawn up without determining the calorie content of the diet and calculating the balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (BJU-balance). Correctly selected nutrition allows you not to feel hunger and weakness, to provide the body with a sufficient amount of nutrients, to keep the weight at the desired level, and to feel great.

To calculate the calorie content of the diet, you need to know the permissible norm and the optimal daily amount of calories, as well as take into account the lifestyle: the calorie content of food during active sports should be higher than during sedentary work in the office and the same rest at home in front of the TV. 

The average daily calorie intake for men is, depending on age and lifestyle, 2000–2400 kcal, for women –– 1800–2400 kcal [2]. The balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates should normally be as follows:

  • proteins - 30-40%;
  • carbohydrates - 40-50%;
  • fats - 20-25% [3] .

Good to know

There are several formulas by which you can calculate your individual calorie needs. For example, the WHO formula is based on body area, and the Ketch-McArdle formula is based on the percentage of body fat. 

Diet: Regularity - Around the Head

With proper nutrition, the timing of meals should be accurately calculated, since the only timely intake of nutrients can compensate for energy costs. For a healthy person, a four-time diet is the most rational. It provides a uniform load on the digestive system, food is better digested and absorbed. 

With two meals a day, with intervals between meals up to 7 hours or more, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, body fat accumulates, and the intensity of the thyroid gland decreases. In addition, after a long interval, a person can immediately eat a lot of food, overflowing the stomach and reducing the mobility of its walls. 

Stretching the stomach not only negatively affects the quality of food digestion, but also raises the diaphragm, interfering with normal cardiac activity. Long breaks cause the release of a large volume of gastric juice and irritation of the gastric mucosa. 

Too short breaks between meals are also undesirable. In this case, there is not enough time for the complete digestion process, which can lead to disruption of the digestive tract. 

A very important factor in the organization of a healthy diet is the regularity of food intake. By a certain time, a person has a feeling of hunger, which triggers the secretion of gastric juice, which is necessary for the digestion of food. 

With violations of the diet, this reflex in a person fades. Food enters the stomach, which is not yet ready for the digestion process. As a result, appetite decreases, and all the food that enters the body is very poorly absorbed, which causes gastritis, cholecystitis, and other diseases.

As practice shows, in order for a person to get used to the chosen diet, two or three days are enough. 

Example menu for the day: following the principles of healthy eating 

lots of vegetable on the table

Healthy eating is not only healthy but also delicious. Let us prove this using the example of a one-day menu, compiled taking into account the calorie content of products and the balance of BJU. 

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with mushrooms from one whole egg and two proteins, a slice of whole-grain bread, chicory with cream - 384 kcal, 25 g of protein, 19 g of fat and 26 g of carbohydrates.

Snack: one banana and a quarter bar of dark chocolate - 220 kcal, 4 g of protein, 12 g of fat, 28 g of carbohydrates.

Lunch: vegetable salad and broccoli cream soup with chicken and cream - 327 kcal, 30 g protein, 14 g fat, 21 g carbohydrates.

Snack: two tangerines and an apple - 174 kcal, 40 g of carbohydrates, vitamin C.

Dinner: baked cod with stewed vegetables - 288 kcal, 32 g of protein, 5 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates.

At night: a glass of kefir - 76 kcal, 6 g of protein, 2 g of fat, and 8 g of carbohydrates. 

With such a menu, the total consumption of calories per day will be 1470 kcal, proteins - 98 g, fats - 53 g, carbohydrates - 153 g. In addition, the products that make up the dishes contain all the necessary set of vitamins and minerals. 

How to instill healthy eating habits?

According to experts, any habit can be formed in 21 days. The same statement applies to healthy eating. These habits are not at all difficult to instill, you just need to set a clear goal for yourself and not step back from it. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind: 

1. Ask yourself - why do I want to change my eating habits? The answer should be as specific as possible, and the ultimate goal is achievable. For example, to lose three kilograms, improve complexion, get rid of heartburn, etc. 

2. Keep a food diary - it helps to correct nutritional errors at a time when new habits have not yet been established. Today it is very easy to do this: in almost any mobile application store you can find special both paid and free programs. By installing them on your smartphone, you can control the diet. When there is a need to eat exceptionally healthy food and drink enough water, then the diary will not be needed. 

3. Take your time. A sharp and complete replacement of the usual "harmful" dishes with new and healthy in almost 100% of cases leads to a breakdown. The diet must be changed gradually, gradually introducing healthy food into it. 

4. Let go of hard limits. Do not force yourself not to eat after 18.00, completely exclude desserts. All these prohibitions lead to stress and the abandonment of attempts to change habits for the better. For dinner, you can choose simple and easily digestible food: vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, lean fish, white chicken meat. And it is better to eat sweets in the morning and in small quantities.

5. The diet should be varied. Healthy food doesn't have to be bland and tasteless. There are many delicious dishes that are incredibly healthy for the body.

6. Stop eating out. Before eating habits have changed, do not go to cafes and restaurants, there are too many temptations. Homemade food should be preferred.

7. Go to the store only on a full stomach. So you will have less chance to buy something harmful in a bright seductive package.

8. Reminder food and water on your phone so you can stick to your diet more easily.

9. Find like-minded people - it’s always easier to change something in a company. It is very good if you are supported by loved ones: family dinners in this case will not turn into a test of endurance for you. 

10. Do not pay attention to the attacks from the outside, just learn to find adequate answers to comments about your new food preferences. And learn to give up treats. This is especially true for joint office tea parties with sweets and cookies.

In fact, changing your eating habits is not that difficult. The small temporary inconvenience caused by this is unlikely to outweigh the benefits for the body that a person can give proper nutrition. 

How to increase the positive result of following the principles of healthy eating

Eating right is a trend lately, and more and more people are following it. Together with regular sports, smoking cessation, and a positive outlook, it becomes a new lifestyle. But even following its principles, we cannot fully protect ourselves from the effects of harmful factors. 

One way or another, we buy all products in the market or in a store, not knowing for certain how they are produced. Even the freshest farm vegetables can contain nitrates and pesticides. In addition, often unscrupulous manufacturers in pursuit of profit for environmentally friendly products give out those that contain preservatives, heavy metals, and other elements harmful to health. 

The tap water that comes to our homes is also not very useful. Many filters are not able to completely clean it from harmful impurities. 

Even with inhaled air, especially in cities, our body receives a portion of the toxic substances contained in automobile exhaust and industrial emissions.

Therefore, cleansing the body is necessary even for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. And special preparations containing sorbents can play a very important role in this. Such agents bind and remove toxins and allergens from the body, normalizing digestion.

For example, the drug "Lactofiltrum" has a double effect at the same time: it relieves the body of allergens, toxins and harmful bacteria due to the content of a natural sorbent - lignin, and also normalizes microflora due to the second component - lactulose, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Lactofiltrum is an excellent element of any detox program. It is a reliable alternative to folk remedies that are not always easy to prepare and sometimes unsafe to use.

For example, regular intake of regular activated charcoal can cause damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines, and Lactofiltrum is designed to gently cleanse the stomach and is completely ready for use. 


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