Thursday, July 9, 2020

how to get skinny

7 days to be skinny: know this super-secret method

Not long ago, I had a really important event and I wanted to lose a few kilos to look better and surprise all the guests, whom I had not seen for a long time (months in which I gained a few kilos, it is worth clarifying).

But I have a problem … conventional diets bore me very easily and also, my body seems to have become accustomed to them, so it is really hard for me to lose weight. So I searched the Internet until I found this method.

I think it is my duty to warn you that you will not find this method in the typical magazines to lose weight and, much less, the doctor will recommend it. It is the type of plan that is used before sports competitions or to lose weight quickly.

The reason why you should use this plan

The reality is that it doesn’t matter why you want to lose weight fast, but how you do it. With this plan, you can lose 2 to 9 kilos in a week without starving or having to exercise.

70% of the body is made of water. It is present everywhere, from muscles to bones. Water molecules are heavy and large, so losing significant amounts will affect our weight.

For example, a glass of water weighs about half a kilo. If you eliminate the equivalent of five glasses, you will be losing around two and a half kilos.

However, reducing water intake is not enough and, since dehydration can be dangerous, it is best to have a plan that helps trick your body into expelling large amounts of water without harming you.

Losing water will not only result in weight loss, but you will also feel less bloated and have fewer gases. That is the premise of this plan … lose weight and feel much better about yourself.

Remember that the weight of water is not the same as that of fat. You may lose weight and a few inches, but very few will be fat. 

Once you finish the plan and go back to drinking fluids normally, you will regain the weight you had lost. So, if you want to lose weight and maintain yourself, you should look for a long-term diet.

So that you LOOK at yourself better than ever in 7 days….

One of the easiest ways to lose weight fast is to lose fluid and this is achieved by drinking large amounts of water. This occurs because when we dehydrate or drink adequate amounts of water, our bodies tend to retain it. 

On the other hand, when drinking large amounts, the body assumes that it will receive more water and therefore does not consider it necessary to conserve it. To convince your body that this is the case, you should drink large amounts of water during the first 4 days.

How much water do you really need to drink?

Most people should drink between 6 and 8 liters of water. I know it sounds like an excessive amount, but it is the only way to lose water quickly and that this loss is reflected in our weight.

It is important that you distribute the water consumption throughout the day and that it is the first thing you do in the morning. An effective way to do this is, for example, with an application that allows you to enter the quantities of liquids consumed so that you can have a reliable record.

Another good tip is to fill 4 or 5 1.5-liter bottles early in the day and make sure to drink them all for the night. Don’t worry if your weight seems to stagnate or if you even go up during the first 4 days … it’s completely normal. During the next 3 days is when the magic happens and you will lose weight quickly.

Make sure you have a bathroom nearby at all times since you will urinate a lot. You will also have to take into account that, probably, during those days you are not very hungry, which is because your stomach will be full of water. That lack of appetite will also be essential and will help you lose weight.

During days 5–7, during which you will urinate a lot of water, you should dramatically reduce your fluid intake. Do not worry, your body will adapt to this change, however, for the next few days, it will continue to expel all the water that was stored in your body.

So for the next three days, you should drink about 1 liter of water (if you live in a hot place or you are a person with a large size it is preferable to increase the amount and drink 1.5 liters). Since you will not be replacing the same amount of water that you expel, each time you go to the bathroom you will lose around 400 grams.

These three days will probably be difficult for you since you will feel very thirsty and your body has become accustomed to large amounts of fluids. It is during this period that you will be able to observe the results that you so desire.

A common and very dangerous mistake is not to drink any water during these days. Remember that it is essential that you drink from 1 to 1.5 liters to prevent your body from becoming dehydrated.

In addition, you can use natural diuretics, such as dandelion, green tea extract, or celery. Consuming caffeine is also beneficial, but don’t drink unnecessary amounts of fluids and stick to a small espresso. Also consider starting your day by drinking a lemon juice diluted in a small glass of warm water, which will also encourage water loss.

Eliminate carbohydrates from your diet

Carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, and bread, are broken down into glucose, which is stored in our liver and muscles as glycogen. Glycogen is basically a molecule that arises from the combination of sugar and water, characterized by its large size due to the water content.

Reducing carbohydrate intake will force the body to use stored glycogen for energy. In other words, it will cause the body to eliminate those troublesome molecules that only increase your weight.

For seven days, you should minimize the consumption of bread, rice, pasta, potatoes as much as possible and replace them with leafy vegetables such as cabbage, cabbage, lettuce, and vegetables with a large composition of water such as squash and cucumber. 

In addition to containing very low amounts of carbohydrates, this class of vegetables is high in fiber, which helps speed up the digestive system, thereby increasing weight loss.

You will also need to avoid eating fruits due to the large amount of water and carbohydrates they have.

Cycle sodium to look slimmer fast

Sodium, commonly related and present in table salt, is a fundamental mineral for the proper functioning of the body because it is used in several essential physiological processes. It is used, for example, to transport fluids from one area of ​​our body to another or for the contraction of muscles.

However, when we consume excessive amounts of sodium, the body uses water to be able to eliminate the amounts that accumulate and are not necessary for these essential processes.

Increasing sodium intake during the four days when we also increase water intake will cause us to urinate even more and therefore lose weight faster. As you are probably imagining, you should increase the amount of salt you add to your meals and eat salty foods. Ideally, during these four days, you consume around 5000 milligrams of sodium a day.

On day 5, when you reduce your water intake, you should simultaneously reduce the amount of salt. In this way, the body will continue to use water to expel the amounts of salt that accumulated in it during those 4 days.

Sweat the rest of the water

Another effective way to remove water is to sweat. Sweating is our body’s method of regulating temperature; therefore, any activity that makes you feel hot will make you sweat. While exercising is the best-known option, also keep these ideas in mind:

1) Increase the temperature of your room.
2) Have a long shower or bath with hot water.
3) Travel in the car with the heater.
4) Use hot pads or hot water bottles.
Perspiring will make you feel thirsty. You must resist the urge to drink large amounts of water so as not to exceed the liter or liter and a half allowed during the fifth to the seventh day, nor consume more water than your body expels.

In summary

Day 1 to 4
You should increase water consumption to 6 to 8 liters per day and sodium to 5000 mg per day. You should reduce carbohydrate consumption and avoid drinks or diuretic foods.

Day 5 to 7
You should reduce the amount of water to a liter or liter and a half and sodium to 500 or 1000 mg per day. Carbohydrate amounts should remain minimal and it is recommended to incorporate diuretics and activities that promote sweating.

What else should I know about this method?

This plan is called mild to moderate dehydration, particularly for the past three days. You will only lose weight when you get your body to expel the excessive amounts of water it accumulates. However, if the water levels in our body are too low, then you could become seriously dehydrated.

It is a method that professional athletes and weightlifters use to lose weight quickly before important weigh-ins or competitions. But, before you venture into this process, it is important that you know the consequences of losing weight in water.

Never do this, it is a danger to your health

Drinking excessive amounts of water can produce dilutional hyponatremia, better known as water poisoning. It is a very strange condition, which is due to the dilution of essential minerals, that is, electrolytes. To avoid this, it is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for the first four days.

On the other hand, frequent urination can cause sleep disruptions. You will most likely wake up several times during the night to go to the bathroom; So if you are one of those people who needs a lot of sleep or who can’t stand being sleepy during the day, then this plan will not be ideal for you.

Extreme changes in the water levels consumed can cause difficulties for your kidneys, so this plan is not recommended for people who have kidney problems or kidney disease.

To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to respect the minimum consumption of water. Still, in excessively hot climates or professional athletes, they may need higher water levels.

If you feel that you are too thirsty, you stop sweating, you feel weak, you suffer from mental confusion or disorientation, you feel sick or unwell, then immediately increase your water consumption again.

This is what you should do since you lost weight

This plan should be extended only for 7 days, more time could be harmful to health. Once the plan is complete, it is time to rehydrate. The best way to do this is to drink around 2 liters of water a day, in addition to any drink you enjoy.

Sports drinks are ideal because they contain significant amounts of electrolytes and minerals that will allow you to recover lost during the plan. Although short-term dehydration should not become a problem, if it persists for several days it can be really dangerous. For this reason, it is essential to replace all the lost minerals.

The amount of weight you lose will depend on several factors, if you follow this plan you can lose at least two and a half kilos in a week. Maybe this amount is not enough, but it is a good way to start and will allow you to detoxify your body so that you can continue with the diet you want.

This diet will also make your skin look rejuvenated and you will feel much more vital than before. If you have any questions or if you have already implemented this plan, tell us about your experience and the benefits you obtained.

Don’t miss out on giving this not-so-known diet a shot … the results will surprise you.


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