Monday, July 13, 2020

how to lose fat neck

This is what you should do to eliminate fat in the neck

How to lose fat neck, Do you know what generates the fat in your neck? It is a very important health risk and is an indication that we must change our lifestyle. Here are some ways to get rid of it.

The fat neck may also affect us beyond the image. Also, this type of fat targets other areas, including the double chin, chin, and, of course, the entire neck. But what causes it?

Excess fat is often caused by an energy imbalance. We are consuming more energy, and this is saved as excess. We never burned this fat and as a consequence, we can end up with neck fat.

Neck fat has been linked to known risk factors for disease cardiovascular s, such as diabetes and high cholesterol.

Although doctors still measure our waists to assess obesity and the consequent likelihood that we may have heart disease, some now measure neck fat as well.

Neck fat has also been associated with sleep apnea, a condition that can shut down our airways.

We must know that it is a very important health risk and is an indication that we need to change our lifestyle. Here are some ways to get rid of it.

1. Change the way you eat

If you want to lose neck fat, you need to lose weight in general. From now on, you should try to practice conscious eating. Take care of each bite, chew and swallow so you know how much you are eating.

What do you need to eat from now on? Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as whole vegetables and legumes.

It is not necessary to completely eliminate fatty foods, but try to eat as many good fats as possible, such as those found in avocados and olive oil. Avoid eating late at night too, but always try to eat breakfast, as a healthy and nutritious meal in the morning is a great way to boost your metabolism so you can burn more neck fat throughout the day.

2. Drink more water

Water hydrates you and your body needs it to function in the best possible way. If you don’t drink at least 5 glasses of water per day, you’re ruining your chances of losing neck fat because water helps flush toxins out of your body and suppresses your appetite.

3. Avoid saturated fat

Saturated fats are a great way to gain weight, which is exactly what you need to minimize now. As you bet to lose more weight around your body, you should eliminate the likes of desserts, frozen meals, and prepackaged foods, as they contain saturated fats that can lead to weight gain, and therefore this means more fat in your neck area.

4. Eat melon

Melon contains anti-inflammatory properties that can combat neck fat, reducing flaccidity in the process. Melon also tightens your skin and improves its elasticity while highlighting the natural tone of your skin.

Additionally, melon is rich in numerous vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and water that can help you lose weight.

5. Chew gum

How to lose fat neck as simple as chewing gum? Surely yes!

Chewing gum is recommended to anyone who has excess facial fat that they want to get rid of. How? Because when you chew gum, it is effectively working your facial muscles, which can help you trim the fat.


In addition to changes in your diet and lifestyle, there are also neck exercises you can do to remove fat from your neck.

1. Neck rotation

People who have fat on the neck probably have a double chin. And if you want to lose neck fat around the chin area, you should do neck exercises. One of the best neck exercises is rotation.

  1. Stand or sit while holding your spine as straight and upright as possible.
  2. Slowly turn your head to the left and extend it as far as you can.
  3. Bring your face forward before repeating the workout on your left side.
  4. Do at least 10 repetitions on each side per day for the best results.

2. Little Bird Pose

This neck exercise is one that is done in yoga, and as anyone who has practiced it will know, yoga is a great way to help you lose weight when done correctly.

  1. Tilt your head towards the ceiling while pressing the tip of your tongue against the ceiling of your mouth. Swallow.
  2. Turn your head slightly to the left before repeating on the opposite side.
This article is merely informative, at Green Living we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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