Wednesday, July 15, 2020

how to lose belly fat men

how to lose belly fat men: 2 most important things

a man measuring is belly

I think that 90% of men who train in the gym want to get rid of belly fat and get these sexy 6 abs cubes.

The most common question among them is how to lose belly fat men from the abdomen.

Now let’s get serious.

We will be honest.

Getting rid of belly fat is one of the most difficult fitness tasks you can try.

Men who do not follow their diet and do not exercise can have serious weight problems, especially in the area around the abdomen.

Why should you lose belly fat?

Although many people think that this is only a visual problem, they are mistaken.

This can negatively affect your health.

Fat on the abdomen can lead to cardiovascular problems, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure.

What causes fat on the stomach in men? Genetics If most of your relatives have a larger belly than they should, your genes may be to blame for gaining weight around your abdomen.


Stress can be the cause of body fat, as well as many diseases.

When you are stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol.

This hormone causes your liver to produce extra sugar that your body does not really need. As a result, you begin to feel hungry and eat more. And, of course, most of these calories go directly to your stomach.

Digestive problems.

It can also be caused by stress.

Irregular digestion caused by stress can cause several types of gastrointestinal problems, which lead to gas and flatulence.

Many people who complain of belly fat often have gases that cause flatulence.

This can be very unpleasant, and it can make your stomach look bigger than it is.

Slow metabolism

The rate of your metabolism is individual and depends on many factors.

When you get older, your metabolism slows down.

This means that you cannot burn calories as fast as you used to when you were younger.

A slower metabolism can also lead to the accumulation of excess fat on your stomach, in particular.

Bad posture

If you have poor posture and your torso is tilted, you may have more belly.
That is why you should improve your posture.

Stand in front of the mirror and look at your stomach.

Now stand straight and look at the difference.

This is not the only thing you need to do, because you probably have thick layers, but your posture can make a big difference in your overall look.

So, how to lose weight on the stomach for men?

a fat belly man

There is only one way to do this.

If you ask 100 men how to lose belly fat, you will get many different answers.

However, they have one thing in common — they got rid of it.

Many men combine different methods to achieve their goal, and here I will give you some tips that are suitable for almost every man.

So what do you need to lose belly fat in a short period of time?

You probably heard that, but let’s say it again.

The 2 most important things to get a flat stomach are diet and exercise.

Here you can read my tips on how to lose belly for men, divided into two groups — nutrition and exercise.

Let’s start.

1. Nutrition

Before you start playing sports, you need to take care of your diet.

You must have a healthy diet and a good stomach training program to get good results.

You can’t work like crazy and expect to lose weight if you have a lot of fat under your stomach.

So you need to lose weight.

That’s why you need to eat fewer calories so you can lose weight faster.

These are the most important things about your diet:

Eat More Protein

Many people are not completely sure how important proteins are when you try to change your body.

A lack of proteins can lead to a negative nutritional balance, which leads to loss of muscle mass and, ultimately, to a slowdown in metabolism.

Eating protein can help you get rid of the fat layers, as they require more energy to process than fat and carbohydrates.

Divide food, eat more often

It is very important to take 5–6 small meals if you want to reduce body fat because in this way you eliminate cravings and prevent the release of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

Cortisol slows down the process of burning fat, so do not skip a meal.

If you control the hormone cortisol, you can significantly reduce muscle tissue destruction.
Breakfast should be eaten one hour after waking up.

Your metabolism slows down during the night, and you need to make it move.

Some people think it’s okay to skip breakfast because it means fewer calories, but when you skip breakfast, you start to feel hungry, and this makes your metabolism even slower.

The point is not to eat less, but to eat smarter.

If you eat fiber and protein and drink a lot of water, you will feel full longer during the day and you will not need to have a bite to eat.

Reduce calorie intake

If you really want to determine your abs, you need to lose the fat layers that cover them.

You can do this by creating a negative energy balance (spend more than you consume).

Do not reduce calorie intake suddenly, as in this way you run the risk of slowing down your metabolism, blocking the process of burning body fat and increasing hunger.

It is best to combine exercise with a reduced-calorie intake of about 500 calories per day compared to your current intake.

Try to gradually reduce calorie intake, 50 calories per day, until you reach 500 kcal.

Forget beer and sodas.

What is the best way for a guy to lose belly fat?

Stop drinking beer.

If you’re wondering if there is anything better than a bottle of beer on a hot summer day, to be honest, I’m interested in the same thing.

Unfortunately, if you want to get rid of your stomach, you must forget about beer.

In general, alcohol should be avoided because it lowers testosterone and muscle mass.

When it comes to soda, I have one word — No.

Soda is loaded with sugar, and you should cut them not only for your stomach but also for your health.

Instead, drink fresh lemonade.

Forget eating late at night.

If you want to control belly fat, you should not eat 3 hours before bedtime, because it takes time to digest your food before bedtime.

When you go to bed with a full belly, you risk accumulating fat on your stomach.

And if you want to eat something late, a small protein meal is a trick to avoid muscle loss during sleep and speed up the process of burning fat.

2. Exercise

men and women in the gym excercising

Cardio exercises

How to lose belly fat “fast” at home?

Start practicing.

You will not achieve anything if you eat healthy food, but you barely move your finger to get to the remote control.

You cannot have a flat stomach if you sit all day.

Start walking, it’s easy, and it can help you lose weight.

Then plan your workout.

If you want to lose belly fat, you need to add more exercise in addition to abdominal pressures.

Combine your exercises and do your workouts lasting 60–90 minutes a day if you want good and fast results.

By increasing your physical activity, you will burn more calories not only during the day but also at night.

Cardio exercises are very successful when it comes to losing belly fat.

For example, cycling, running, running on a slope, high-intensity interval training.

On the other hand, weight lifting fights this problem by stimulating protein synthesis and the level of natural anabolic hormones.

This leads to muscle building, as well as your six-packs of abs. (and for weight loss while maintaining muscle mass)


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